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Solution web marketting, bannière publicitaire à prix exeptionnel

Bannières 300X300

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Benefit from a better visibility of your activity, your services and your products thanks to our offer of advertising banners.



140 000 page vues par mois et encore plus et 12 000 visiteurs uniques et encore plus ...


Publish your ads in a context of industrial technologies and innovations. We offer you a service of publishing your banner at per thousand CPM (Cost Per Mille) displays. You pay for a thousand times views on our pages.

CPM is the most common method of pricing web advertising. The success of a CPM campaign is often measured by its click through rate, which is the percentage of visitors who saw your ad and clicked on it.

For example, an ad that receives two clicks for every 100 impressions has an RTC of 2%. You can't measure the success of an ad by RTC alone, because an ad that a reader views but doesn't click can still have an impact.
140,000 page views per month and even more and 12,000 unique visitors and even more ...


Mode de paiement
  • Annuel
  • Semestriel
  • Trimestriel
  • Mensuel
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